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Welcome to


Keeping the magic alive in our children

We are living in a time of immense global change.

We believe every baby being born is here to be part of the changes occurring in our world, and as parents, educators, and community members our role is to keep the incoming babies and children awake and attuned to their inner wisdom, magnificence and light, so they can fulfil their potential as future change-makers in our world.

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Our mission...

At the Awakened Child our purpose is to provide you with creative, empowering tools and resources to keep the magic alive in our children so together we can create a
lighter, brighter, more positive, joy-filled world for all to live in.

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We're excited to be developing a variety of guided visualisations, meditations, storybooks, programs, and other resources to help our children maintain a strong sense of self, authenticity, presence, and resilience in our ever-changing world.

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You're not alone...

As taught by several African proverbs,

it takes a village to raise a child.

In this sense we believe no one should have to do it on their own...

we're all in this together.

For anyone who is pregnant, considering becoming pregnant, has a baby, a toddler, a young child or children, or who is a care-giver or educator to children, and who wants to help our future generations flourish in the world around them, we'd love YOU to be part of this global village.

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We'd love your input...

 We'd love to know what resonates with you about this project and how we might develop it to better assist you and your children... be that as a parent, care-giver, educator, and/or community member, or as an individual who may also have had your own experiences as to what its like to have your inner light dimmed on occasion.


As we work on developing the tools and resources to grow this community we'd love to know what you feel would be of most benefit to you, your baby, toddler, child, or children to help assist them in maintaining a strong connection with their inner divine essence, wisdom, light, and joy.

Thank you for helping...

Please share your comments below so we can develop the best possible materials to help bring this vision to reality. And if you'd like to be involved in the project in any way or to simply stay in touch with its progress, be sure to let us know! 

Thank you for helping us develop the best tools and resources to keep the magic alive in the incoming babies, children, and future change-makers of our world...
How much do you like the overall idea?
It doesn't resonate with me at allIt resonates with me a bitIt sounds like a good ideaIt's a FANTASTIC idea!I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! CAN'T HAPPEN SOON ENOUGH!!!

Thank you so much for your assistance and feedback.
We value and appreciate it immensely!

To contact us...

We'd love to hear from you and welcome the possibilities for aligned project collaborations.


Feel free to contact Juliet Martine at the following:

+61 (0)413199649


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